sea molluscs, Cuban terrestrial malacostracan fauna is one most
endemic zoological groups. All terrestrial snails belong to the
Gastropoda class. Among them, the most
primitive are gathered in the Prosobranchia subclass, having 83
endemic genders from which the Priotochatella stands out due to
their beautiful and peculiar shells, which can be seen in this region.
The Cuban parrot (Amazona leucocephala), which is one of the most
picturesque Cuban birds, can be admired, with all its grace and
colorfulness, in its natural habitat by those who visit the Isle
of Youth. Can be seen also the bats Monophyllus redmani and Natalus
lepidus. The latter, known also as "butterfly" bat, is
an extraordinarilly curious species owing to its tiny size ranging
from 2,7 to 3,2 cm (1,06 to 1,26 in). It weighs between 2 and 3
grams and its wingspread ranges from 18 to 21 cm (7 to 8,3 in).